Board Meeting Minutes 7/6/2022

Present - Board

Nick Sintros

Jen Dickenson

Eric LaRoche

JC Woodward

Jeff Archibald

Mick Foot

Becky Barrett

Hewes Hill - Access Fund report for parking lot; and trail work day; did a check go to the Domina's for the sign? As per Tom’s email a check was sent to the Domina’s and confirmation received back, and the Access Fund Report was submitted.

  • We need to get info from Tom about specific dates and also Domina contact info to be on record for future communications.

MC donation - did that go out?

  • Mick has the checkbook. Will be transferred to JC. JC will send a $100 donation to the Monadnock Conservancy after getting the checkbook.

Richmond landowner letter - looks great!; waiting for Mike. anything else?

  • Still waiting to hear back from Mike Morinn at Access Fund for his feedback.

Mt. Monadnock trail week climbing day - insurance concerns

  • The consensus is to have the AMC run the event so it is covered by them. Jeff will look into insurance coverage for future events. Jen just needs to find an AMC co-leader to run it.

Access Fund joint membership update

  • Access Fund will prepare LCO joint membership materials for advertising. JC has sent them our logo etc. JC is waiting for the list of people in NH that the Access Fund hasn’t heard back form and JC will send the co-branded marketing info to this list once he gets the info back from the Access Fund.

Jeff to reach out to WMCC about moving forward and leaving the past in the past. Need a volunteer or two to review email. Mick and Becky volunteered to review the draft email.

Visioning for the future - what is our 5-year plan? Brief discussion on options for moving this forward. Longer meeting with only this on the agenda. One or two or three small working groups. Other ideas.

  • We will plan some dates in the future via email for a brainstorming session.