MCA Board Meeting Minutes 1/8/18
Post date: Jan 13, 2018 3:59:46 PM
Present - Board
Tom Sintros
Nick Sintros
Bob Bedaw
Ben Greene
JC Woodward
Jeff Archibald (arrived after treasurer vote)
George Adams
Jen Dickenson
Bob motion to nominate JC as treasurer. Tom 2nds. All voted in favor.
Nick will update the board member section of the web site.
We are looking for 1 alternate positions to be filled.
Member meeting March 21st. Deadline 3/28 to put in for nomination. Voting closes April 7th
We should look at the library as a venue for films.
Monadnock Conservancy has asked for a basic outline of work plans. We suggest water bars, trail blazing, kiosk info and trail maintenance. Hewes items would have to be approved directly by Chris Domina and the Swanzey Open Space Committee.
We will start creating work plans for each property in Team Drive.
Tom will check with the Monadnock Conservancy to check about Natural Resource Inventory at Hewes. Do they follow a trail building standard or parameters.
We have approval from the State to put in bridges next to the railroad path for climbs and access but not yet on the trail in from parking. JC will get owner info from tax maps.
Kroka is having two climbing days with the AMC and Kroka is donating $300 for each day to MCA. Feb 20th and 21st
The board is supportive of possibly hosting a regional LCO meeting with the Access Fund possibly at Badger.