Board Meeting Minutes 1/4/2022

Present - Board

Jeff Archibald

Tom Sintros

Nick Sintros

Eric LaRoche

JC Woodward

Mick Foot

Jen Dickenson

Ben Greene


Kim Smith

Mark Meany

1. Standards of behavior of board members.

Nick - we can have diverse opinions but once the decision is made and voted on by the board than publicly making a opinion in a contradictory manner to be contrary to the organization

Ben - Not be derogatory, but differences of opinion are OK

JC - Opinions are valuable. Not to censor board members

EL - there is a difference between having a difference of opinion and taking action

TS - felt he had stepped over bounds some in the last 6 months. Don’t want to end up like a Mountain Project Forum.

Mick - what is the purpose of this agenda item? Update bylaws?

2. Tom's concern about JC's actions and proposed vote for resignation.

Tom - Express concerns over certain actions. Appreciates JC’s involvement in all activities of the organization. Concern over comment in response to Jen’s opinions. Respect the members of the board by responding to all concerns and questions. JC requested a report and Tom asked to what end and never got a response.

JC - Recalls that we agreed to table the discussion of Rob’s report to early Jan. JC thought the discussion could be dropped

Ben - Understood that the response should be from the CAPs and AMC through us but shouldn’t be MCA content.

Tom - Tom visited Marlow with Rick from MC. They worked through the survey information to check the boundary along their property as best as possible with compass and clinometer. They got to the “blue point” that the owners and surveyors treat as the definitive reference point. Apps and other GPS methods can be +-90’ from this point and can create discrepancies for the whole boundary. None of what was accomplished is "legal" or definitive

Jeff - At this point there is nothing more that we can do on this topic

Eric - GPS is accuracy is further reduced with elevation change

Mick - CAPS went to MC to ask where they could bolt and that is sufficient due diligence.

Ben - This shouldn’t be an issue any more. They went above and beyond what virtually any other developer does.

JC - Did the MC believe the Sunny Slab was on the conservancy property? They did believe it was and had an agreement document with CAPS to this effect.

3. Clarifying who has been developing which areas.

Nick - Suggest we table this for future discussion. We at our last meeting talked about getting back to updating the document we have started as a catalog of all crags.

4. Outstanding issues with Marlow and the CAP workshop, e.g., property boundary, Rob's document?

*Discussion of AMC document provided by Ben and voting on whether to include it on the MCA website and Facebook page.

Ben would like to have the document from AMC posted on our website and Facebook page

Jeff - concerns about language in the document referencing that MCA gave permission. Ben will request the wording on the document be updated to correct this.

5. Next steps for dying trees at Hewes' Hill. I have a vague recollection that someone said the Domina's don't want to do anything.

No clear answer on what is to be done with the trees or anything else here. The trail used to access the top on climbers far left should be updated but is on or near the neighbors property boundary. Coordinate a site visit with the Domina’s to look at trees, anchors, trails, parking, kiosk etc.

6. Status of various projects: Hewes anchors, Cheese Cut status, Bears Den, others?

Table along with #3

7. Reaching out to local climbers.

Keene Climbs Facebook page

Wednesday climbing group

Mountain Project etc

JC - We had over 100 people interested in giving us membership dues at one time. We only have a couple dozen active members now.

Tom - Up our potential of communications through our website.

Action - Nick will start sending an annual membership email to the mailing list to request members renew their membership either paying or free. JC will contact Access Fund about their duty to request renewal of paying membership.

8. Update on new location and including new physical address in bylaws.

229 Main Street, Mail stop 1504, Keene NH 03435

We will have to sign an “off user lease” for the mail box it will be likely $1/year approx.

Tom makes a motion to amend the bylaws. Mick seconds. Unanimous

Action - Nick will update the bylaw document

9. NH state AWP requirements.

Annual Wwork PLan project is required for us to do work at any State locations. Monadnock, Railroad Cut, Bears Den, etc. Monadnock mostly is just reporting if we see anything unusual going on. The State approved the Bears Den kiosk.

Tom’s draft includes kiosk install at Bears Den. Basic trail maintenance. Trail to connect Calhoun Forest and Bears Den.

10. Board member elections for 2022.

Jeff made motion to remove Mike Darcy from the board. Nick second. Unanimous.

TS - the VP and Treasurer are up for election next.

Action- Nick will include in email about renewal that we need an at large board member and there will be elections for vice president and treasurer.

11. Earth Festival - April 23rd rain date April 24th

We have to fill out the forms of interest by March 19th. Would be a good place to get interest in new members etc. All agree we should participate

12. ELF Magazine would like to do a story on ice climbing

Tom will let us know as more information comes.

Tabled for future discussion

1. Standards of behavior

2. Discussion on updating spreadsheet of crag data.

3. Coordinate a site visit with the Domina’s to look at trees, anchors, trails, parking, kiosk etc.