MCA Board Meeting Minutes 6/7/17

Post date: Jun 12, 2017 6:59:26 PM

The MCA Board Meeting Minutes 6/7/17

Present - Board

Tom Sintros

Nick Sintros

Bob Bedaw

Eric LaRoche

Andy Felegara

Joe Frigo

Jeff Archibald


Lew Shelley

JC Woodward

Jeff Speigler


Insurance and coverage for posting events even if we aren’t “leading” them. Bryan recommends contacting Philadelphia insurance. Put a disclaimer on any postings.

Bears Den Update

    • Patrick wasn’t comfortable with where the trail went above the caves. He was comfortable to base of the first cliff.

    • Lew mentions that the steeper part is very technical to build because of the steepness. The State is meeting Tuesday the 13th to talk about this new trail.

    • After the new trail is open we will block the old trail and remove flags and and signage and kiosk

    • Possible to start work in July


    • Working with Rick from MC to work on trail options


    • Not much work required here for trails possibly some water bars.

Tom will talk to Stow and the insurance company about disclaimer for any postings.

Social event at Badger possibly

Nick will start doing trail photos.

Cheese Cut land is completely shut down!