Board Meeting Minutes 6/8/2022
Present - Board
Nick Sintros
Jen Dickenson
Eric LaRoche
Tom Sintros
JC Woodward
Jeff Archibald
Becky Barrett
Mick Foot
Board of directors role document
Mick made a motion to adopt the new document. Jeff second. All voted in favor except Becky abstanded.
Hewes parking lot review.
John Tarmey met with Dominas and finished it within a day. He used large stones as a base for drainage and then hard pack top. About $1600 was materials and the rest of wear and tear on his equipment and fuel and donated his time. The Dominas as pursuing some signage options about parking in front of the gate and will get back to us for cost when she finds something.
Hewes trail/waterbar, etc. plan
Tom will check with the Dominas about 3 good dates and then get back to the board to pick the best weekend for us.
Access Fund updates
The Access Fund is updating their LCO membership program. There will be an increase in the fee for joint memberships. JC has worked with Access Fund Jenna Winkler to try and engage previous MCA members. JC will also is working with his Wednesday night contact list.
State/MC/MCA initiative; Bear's Den connecting trail
The State has previously shut this down. Tom has contacted Jesse at the State about this but it’s on hold right now. Looking for someone else to pick this project up. JC and Mick will work together on this.
JC/Richmond letter
JC will contact Mike Morin and Monadnock Conservancy for advice on approaching the land owners about access issues. He will bring back a new letter to the board before sending to the owners.
Access/MCA/WMCC/AMC/Crag VT workshop at Dark Tower/Marlow
Mike Morin mentioned to Tom that the Access Fund is working with Petzl on a retro bolting project. 2 from MCA, 2 from WMCC, 2 from Crag VT and 2 from AMC to train for proper bolt replacement techniques. This is plan to instruct on how to do it but would not be to replace bolts at the dark tower. Access Fund doesn’t do vertical instruction.
President proposal for change.
Tom proposes to have the board resign at the end of June. Jeff makes a motion to accept Tom’s resignation at the end of June. Mick seconds. All voted in favor.
MC makes a motion to have Jeff take the position of president to finish the term until April 2023. All voted in favor
Donation to MC and Access Fund?
JC Makes a motion to send $100 to MC. Tom seconds. All voted in favor
Crag information
Jeff compiled information for Bears Den, Cheese Cut, and Railroad Cut. Nick will post this on the web site. Mick, Eric and Jen are working on others.
Next board meeting July 6th at 7:30pm