MCA Board Meeting Minutes 10/10/17

Post date: Oct 17, 2017 12:52:28 PM

Present - Board

Tom Sintros

Nick Sintros

Eric LaRoche

Andy Felegara


JC Woodward

YMCA MCA members climbing night 7 to 8:30 Eric will post a recurring event on the facebook page.

Andy spoke to John Sykes and Jim Shimberg. We should throw out dates to them and they will say what works for them. November 30th or December 7th. Night Owl Cafe would be a good venue.

Tom will talk to Melinda at Keene State about Outing Club’s involvement in the trail days.

Joe is resigning he has gotten a new job which has changed his availability and JC is interested in being the alternate. This should be on the agenda for next meeting to vote with a quorum.

Eric has contacted Mountain Project and they have ok’d us facilitating posting of our local crags. Eric will write up crag info.

Tom will talk to MC about posting route info for Marlow and Hewes.

Eric will post to the MC facebook page to see about spending the Q2C grant money

JC is going to look into the property adjacent to the railroad right of way for the railroad cut to put up a kiosk.

Tom will check on availability of the Antioch Community room for Jan 23rd or 25th for membership meeting. Invite Mike from Access Fund, EMS, State and MC.

Nick will try to find a short movie to show at the member meeting.

Tom will contact Don Mellor about doing a self rescue clinic in early November.

Tom will contact Ken about involvement.

Nick will send email to the board to fill board vacancy by either JC and Lew

Tentative next board meeting November 7th 7PM.